作者: Geoffrey M Malinga , Amos Acur , Patrick Ocen , Sille Holm , Karlmax Rutaro
摘要: Ruspolia differens (Serville) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), also known as the ‘edible grasshopper’, ‘African edible bush-cricket’, and ‘nsenene’, is regarded as one of the most promising edible insect species that can be used for food, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is insufficient information on suitable diets and their effects on survival, adult weight, fecundity, and developmental time of this species, which are preconditions for large-scale production. In this study, we experimentally evaluated the effects of 12 diets (wheat bran, rice seed head, finger millet seed head, soya bran, maize bran, fresh maize comb, millet flour, chicken feed egg booster, simsim cake, sorghum seed head, powdered groundnut, and germinated finger millet), that are known to be accepted by R. differens, on their growth and reproductive parameters. The survival rate, developmental time, and adult weight varied …