Molecular mechanism of methanol inhibition in CALB-catalyzed alcoholysis: Analyzing molecular dynamics simulations by a Markov state model

作者: Henrique F Carvalho , Valerio Ferrario , Jurgen Pleiss



摘要: Lipases are widely used enzymes that catalyze hydrolysis and alcoholysis of fatty acid esters. At high concentrations of small alcohols such as methanol or ethanol, many lipases are inhibited by the substrate. The molecular basis of the inhibition of Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB) by methanol was investigated by unbiased molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and the substrate binding kinetics was analyzed by Markov state models (MSMs). The modeled fluxes of productive methanol binding at concentrations between 50 mM and 5.5 M were in good agreement with the experimental activity profile of CALB, with a peak at 300 mM. The kinetic and structural analysis uncovered the molecular basis of CALB inhibition. Beyond 300 mM, the kinetic bottleneck results from crowding of methanol in the substrate access channel, which is caused by the gradual formation of methanol patches close to Leu140 (helix α5 …
