摘要: Environmental Research infrastructures are facilities, resources, systems and related services that are used by research communities to conduct top-‐level research. They are designed as long-‐term entities in order to meet the requirements of continuous environmental observation. This longevity makes the environmental research infrastructures ideal structures to support long-‐term development in environmental sciences. The vision for environmental research infrastructures for 2030 is based on holistic understanding of our planet and it’s behavior, processes, feedbacks, and fluxes; developing an environmental system model, a framework of all interactions within the Earth System, from solid earth to near space. Scientists that within their own science contribute with data, models, algorithms and discoveries should feel that this serves a greater good, namely a contribution to this understanding. To grasp the Earth System as an interlinked system, we aim for a systems approach, mainly because modern science, engineering and society are increasingly faced with complex problems that can only be understood in the context of the full overall system they belong to. The strategy is based on developing three key resources of the Environmental Science: technological, cultural and human capital. The technological capital development concentrates on improving the capacities to measure, observe, preserve, compute, and predict. This requires staff, technologies, sensors, satellites, floats, software to integrate and to do analysis and modeling, including data storage, computing platforms and networks. The cultural capital development addresses issues …