Part 2 Landscape Context and Remote Sensing; 7 Hydrology

作者: HP Cresswell , AJ Ringrose-Voase , AW Western



摘要: Many challenges in natural resource management centre on hydrology. A good understanding of hydrology leads to better quality surveys of land resources because many aspects of soil formation and landscape evolution are controlled by hydrological processes. Land resource survey, in turn, has the potential to improve analyses of landscape hydrology by providing an integrating framework and primary data to support estimates of infiltration, water storage, deep drainage, groundwater flow, stream flow and water quality. This chapter contains a broad overview of hydrological processes including an account of the hydrological significance of soil features commonly encountered during survey. Major classes of hydrological models are described along with their data needs. Land resource surveys can make a major contribution to hydrology in this regard by providing primary data across a range of scales.
