Size and Shape Control of Gallium-Iron Oxide Nanoparticles [Slides]

作者: Jacob Steven Mohar , Ekaterina Dolgopolova , Jennifer Ann Hollingsworth



摘要: Size and shape control of spinel-metal oxide (sp-MO) nanoparticles (NPs) with the goal to tune the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) by changes in synthetic conditions was achieved using the model system gallium-iron oxide (Ga2FeO4). Maximum synthesis temperature, heating rate, degas temperature, and surfactant ratio were varied along with composition of iron and gallium to shift the LSPR throughout the near infrared region. LSPR shifts to a lower energy wavelength as the synthesis temperature increases with no impact on size or shape of the Ga2FeO4 NPs, but the lower the degas temperature or the slower the heating rate, the larger the particles with minimal impact on the LSPR. As the surfactant to metal ratio increases, the LSPR shifts to a higher energy and the particle size increases. These sp-MO NPs will be ultimately used in ordered systems to enhance quantum dot (QD) emission through the Purcell effect.
