The Management of Health and Safety Issues Related to the Wearing of Protective Clothing by Using RFID Technology

作者: Octavian Ionescu , Emil Pricop , Nicolae Paraschiv



摘要: The management of health and safety is one of the most difficult and expensive issues within industrial area where the safety hazard is great. Petroleum and petrochemical industry, military ordnances production industry, electric power transportation and distribution, mining, are the most relevant areas where, wearing the protective equipment could make the difference in safety not only for individual worker but for the team also. To the moment the task of verifying the wearing of protective equipment is assigned to the supervisor and is prone to subjective errors. The goal of this research is to avoid this type of errors and to automatize completely the process of verifying the wearing and the status of the protective equipment using the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) technologies.
