Low cost carriers in western and central Europe

作者: Roland Conrady



摘要: This chapter focuses on low-cost carriers (LCCs) in North America a bit differently and also the geography of the LCC phenomenon in North America. It also focuses on two different areas: the geography of current LCCs in the United States and Canada and the geography of cities with LCC service. The maturation of the United States LCC industry has allowed the trend to spread across the entire country, with LCCs having a presence at a wide range of airports across the country. All ten of the top domestic markets in the United States are served by LCCs. Canada's geography dictates two main markets for its low-cost airlines: the domestic inter-city traffic and the holiday traffic to the sun destinations in the south of the USA and in the Caribbean. The air transport markets and LCCs in both the United States and Canada are among the most mature and sophisticated in the world.
