Wealden mammalian fossils

作者: William A Clemens



摘要: by WILLIAM Л. TLLMENS ahm км i. Ottk two of the previous identifications-oí specimens considered in he iceiti of Wcaleien mammals can he accepted without reservation, Л spedai collecting technique including both chemical and mechanical processes Facilitated the discovery of eight mare Wealden manimalbn fossUs. Five were found in [he ClifT ir" nJ Hone Bed, a part of the Ashdown fiods. and the remainder in the Paddoehhursr l3one Hed, a part of the ürinsic. kI Clay. These fossils give additional information abour the morphology of (he multiiuberculatc Loxattfa. v vatdenxtsand demonsirate the presence of a syinmelrodonl and cupamolhere in l-ngland in lite early (pre-Apltanl Cretaceous.The fossil record of Mesozoic mammals is limited. Large collections of mammalian fossils of late Jurassie age have been made in the Ptirbcek Heds of England and the Morrison Formation of the United Slates. The Albian …
