Use and Distribution of Roosts by Florida Bonneted Bats in Miami Dade County, Florida, USA: Addition to Webb et al. 2021

作者: F Ridgley , K Bohn , Israel Salazar , Sonya Thompson , Melquisedec Gamba-Rios



摘要: In Miami-Dade County, FL USA, Florida Bonneted Bats, Eumops floridanus, have been documented to utilize a wide array of both natural roosts and artificial structures, including bat houses. Here, we provide a more comprehensive summary of day roosts for the Florida Bonneted Bat in Miami-Dade County as an addition to the data included in Webb et al. 2021 and provide suggestions for improving the comparison of body condition scores for the species across diverse landscapes. These additional data suggest new conclusions on day roost selection, characterization of day roosts, and range for the species. This species has been found to roost across the heterogeneous urban, suburban, semi-natural, and agricultural landscapes found throughout Miami-Dade County, and their roosts are not confined to a particular area or region. Roost site selection does not appear to be associated with a particular architectural style in developed areas and potential roost cavities can be found in a diverse array of natural and artificial structures. This more comprehensive dataset will provide for a more accurate assessment of the species within developed landscapes and better guide conservation measures and strategies.
