作者: François Thoreau , Ariane d'Hoop , Amandine Amat , Jérémy Grosman , Giulietta Laki
摘要: Why care about “inquiry”? And for whom might it matter? We are a small group of young researchers from Belgium from different disciplinary backgrounds in the arts, social and political sciences, philosophy, and architecture. Through this diversity, we share a common interest in science studies and a passion for empiricism as well as pragmatism (that is, authors who deal with practices, who look at experiences without separating them from their consequences). Pragmatism equips us with means of active thought, that is, the means of engagement with the situations which we explore and to which we belong as inquirers. Crafting inquiries along with questioning our crafting skills makes sense to us, insofar as it grounds our accounts in situated problems.[2]In our view, inquiry has been (too) often practiced as an individual’s quest, belonging to some scientific discipline, directed towards the “outer world” in order to generate knowledge for its own sake. We strive for another stance where inquiry is the collective elaboration of questions relevant to problems arising in a situation. We investigators share those