作者: Javier Edo Varg , Warren Kunce , David Outomuro , Richard Svanbäck , Frank Johansson
摘要: There is growing evidence of widespread contamination of freshwater ecosystems with microplastics. However, the effects of chronic microplastic ingestion and its interaction with other pollutants and stress factors on the life-history traits and the host-microbiome of aquatic invertebrates are not well understood. This study investigates the effects of exposure to sediment spiked with 1 μm polystyrene-based latex microplastic spheres, an environmentally realistic concentration of a pyrethroid pesticide (esfenvalerate), and a combination of both treatments on the life-history traits of the benthic-dwelling invertebrate, Chironomus riparius and its microbial community. The chironomid larvae were also exposed to two food conditions: abundant or limited food in the sediment, monitored for 28 and 34 days respectively. The microplastics and esfenvalerate had negative effects on adult emergence and survival, and these effects …