A Debate on Responsible Research and Innovation

作者: Michiel Van Oudheusden



摘要: In the space of just a few years the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), or in Dutch Maatschappelijk verantwoord innoveren (MVI), has gained considerable ground: NWO has an MVI-program that has so far funded three rounds of research proposals; Horizon 2020 regularly refers to RRI; and there is now a new journal devoted to RRI. In this panel we focus on the following questions: • How could the concept become so popular in such a relatively short time? • What, if anything, is new in RRI, when we compare it to e.g. CTA, participatory TA, Public Engagement, etc? • If we want to make research and innovation more responsible and responsive to society’s needs, what are the opportunities and obstacles? • What are the conditions for successful mainstreaming of RRI? Panel members Frank Kupper (Athena Institute) Hub Zwart (Centre for Society and the Life Scences), Michiel van Oudheusden (author of a dissertation on Flemish RRI initiatives), and Tsjalling Swierstra (co-founder of the Journal for RI) share their thoughts with colleagues in the audience.
