PHYSICS OF LASERS: Stimulated radiation emitted from streamer discharges in ZnO crystals at 300 K

作者: AA Gladyshchuk , AL Gurskiĭ , VA Nikitenko , VV Parashchuk , GP Yablonskiĭ



摘要: Stimulated emission along streamer channels was observed for the first time in ZnO single crystals. Lasing was manifested by reduction of the width of the spectrum to 3-4 nm, formation of a mode structure, appearance of directionality, and an increase in the radiation intensity by four orders of magnitude. The maximum of the lasing spectrum was located in the range 389-406 nm and the energy of a single pulse~ 1 nJ, the pulse duration was 0.3-1 nsec, and the power was 1-3 W. Stimulated radiation emitted from ZnO at 300 K was attributed to recombination in an electron-hole plasma in which the nonequilibrium carrier density was of the order of 10 19 cm-3.
