The Effects of Hunter-Education Requirements on Hunting

作者: Thomas A Heberlein , Elizabeth Thomson



摘要: The effects of required hunter-education programs on hunter recruitment and participation were examined using the 1980, 1985, and 1990 screener surveys from the US National Surveys of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. Information proVided by states on their requirements for hunter education allowed us to determine whether people were required to take an education course before they could purchase a hunting license. We estimated the effect of hunter-education requirements on hunting participation, controlling for the person's age, sex, and race/ethnicity, as well as for the percentage of the state's population liVing in rural areas and the regional level of hunting participation in 1955 (as a surrogate for hunting culture). In 1980, 23 states with no hunter-education requirement had an overall hunting participa tion rate of 12%, while participation in states with a hunter-education requirement ror …
