作者: Manuel García Pérez , Jesús Alberto García Nuñez
摘要: Palm Oil Mills produce almost 1.6 tons of concentrated solid wet biomass per ton of primary product commercialized (oil and kernel). Additionally 0.7 m3 of liquid effluent per ton of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) is obtained. Some of these waste streams are considered pollutants by Colombian Environmental regulations. Palm oil mill processes have not been significantly modified in the last 50 years, and existing technologies are not able to comply with new and more stringent environmental regulations to be introduced in the next years. This paper reviews current uses of waste biomass generated in Colombian Palm Oil Mills and assess potential alternatives for utilizing this residual biomass for fuel and bio-product production. Several alternatives to convert existing palm oil mills (pom) into biorefineries are reviewed. The viability of adding a pyrolysis unit and anaerobic digesters to palm oil mills for the production of biochar, heat and methane is discussed in more details.