Profil Wilayah Kampung Wisata Braga

作者: Thirafi Yasyifa Ramadhani , Fachmy Sugih Pradifta



摘要: Braga Tourism Village is one of the villages that was proclaimed as a Tourism Village and inaugurated in 2019, is a program of the Bandung City government to develop tourism. Braga Tourism Village has the potential and assets that are rich in historical value. This research was identified exploratively using a qualitative descriptive approach, while the method in this study was based on a literature review related to policy, history, secondary data, and observations. From the results of the study, it was found that public spaces that have the highest influence that can be potential and attractive in the Braga Tourism Village, as for the public spaces are Co-Working Space, Gang Apandi, Gang Cikapundung, Gapura Gang Apandi, Teras Braga, Ropih Art House, Mural Gang, Family Medicinal Plants area, and RW 06 Hall. For public spaces that have the potential to be an attraction in Braga Tourism Village, it is necessary to identify related public spaces, therefore a general description of Braga Tourism Village is needed.Abstrak. Kampung Wisata Braga merupakan salah satu Kampung yang dicanangkan sebagai Kampung Wisata dan diresmikan pada tahun 2019, merupakan program pemerintan Kota Bandung dalam upaya mengembangkan pariwisata. Kampung Wisata Braga memiliki potensi dan aset yang kaya akan nilai sejarah. Penelitian ini diidentifikasi secara eksploratif menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif sedangkan untuk metode pada penelitian ini berlandasakan dari kajian literatur terkait kebijakan, sejarah, data sekunder dan hasil observasi. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan ruang publik yang memiliki pengaruh paling tinggi yang …
