Pilot evaluation of a behavioral weight loss program for adults with physical disabilities: State of Slim Everybody usability and feasibility

作者: Julianne G Clina , Holly R Wyatt , James O Hill , Christine C Ferguson , Hui‐Ju Young



摘要: Background People with physical disabilities (PWD) have a higher prevalence of obesity than populations without disability, but most evidence‐based weight loss programs have not included this population. The State of Slim (SOS) program is an evidence‐based weight loss program that has demonstrated success in producing weight loss in populations without disability, but it has not been adapted for or evaluated in PWD. Methods The SOS program was systematically adapted using the evidence‐informed Guidelines, Recommendations, and Adaptations Including Disability (GRAIDs) framework. A total of 35 participants enrolled in the State of Slim Everybody program. The program was offered entirely online. Body weight, attendance, and food log completion were also tracked weekly. The program length was 16.5 h and included weekly group instruction, with optional one‐on‐one sessions provided upon …
