Circular Business Models for Plastics in India

作者: Monique Retamal , Ashwini Pai Panandiker , Simran Talwar , Sudhir Sah , Sarah King



摘要: This paper reviews circular economy business models within the context of India and its plastics value chain. The circular economy sets out to create a regenerative system of resource use through strategies including long-lasting design, repair, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). Research estimates suggest half a trillion dollars of economic opportunity can be realised for India by 2030 through the adoption of circular economy business models. It is anticipated that this could be achieved through a range of strategies, including by reducing waste, improving utilisation of products and capital assets, product life extension, and value recovery strategies (Fiksel, Sanjay and Raman, 2021).India is a significant producer and consumer of plastic polymers and materials. The plastics value chain represents a diverse range of industry actors, including a few large producers that control domestic polymer and feedstock supply, and a heavy reliance on imports of plastic and chemical industry raw materials. Downstream plastic processing and manufacturing is fragmented, consisting mainly of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME); this also extends to plastic product manufacturers, machinery and mould manufacturers. The recycling industry in India comprises many small processors, and is fragmented and highly unorganised, with large participation from informal waste collectors and recyclers.
