作者: Hernan Navas , Alejandro Lopez Osorniob , Laura Gambartea , Adrian Gomeza , Analía Bauma
摘要: SNOMED CT utilization as the reference standard terminology makes interoperability between clinical systems. SNOMED CT provides the creation of post-coordinated terms by the users, according to each local need. Even though the creation of these terms is free, there are a number of rules defined in the User Manual of SNOMED CT that must be performed. The Hospital Italiano of Buenos Aires (HIBA) has a Terminology Server for encoding medical terms using SNOMED CT as the reference vocabulary. The Hospital Italiano of Buenos Aires performed an interoperability test with the Nebraska Medical Center and found a high error rate in the post-coordinated terms (26%). Then it was decided to implement an automatic system of rules within the agreed Terminology Server defined in the User Manual of SNOMED CT. After the rules implementation, the error rate decreased from 26% to 2%. The aim of this paper is to describe the effectiveness of the control rules modeling to the post-coordination of terms.