作者: Stefan Pauliuk
摘要: The RECC model (open dynamic material systems model for the resource efficiency and climate change mitigation project) is a modular depiction of major end-use sectors and the material cycles for the climate-relevant bulk materials (Pauliuk and Heeren, 2020)(https://github. com/IndEcol/RECC-ODYM). Its system definition [Fig. 0.1] comprises the use phase of materials (in products) and the material cycle stages mining (via material footprint only), primary production, manufacturing, waste management and scrap recovery, and remelting/recycling as well as an energy supply scenario.The RECC model generates a set of what-if scenarios (Börjeson et al., 2006) for the climate-relevant end-use sectors and bulk material cycles against different socioeconomic, technology deployment, and climate policy backgrounds. It does so by applying a mass-balanced framework for the material cycles (Brunner and Rechberger, 2016). It allows us to study the impacts of a broad spectrum of sustainable development strategies on the material cycles and identify trade-offs and constraints. It does not assess the likelihood of realisation of any of the scenarios studied but checks if mass balance constraints (eg by long product lifetimes or limited scrap supply) render some scenarios unfeasible from a material cycle point of view.