Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No.

作者: Carlos H Caldas , Zhanmin Zhang , Kara M Kockelman , Khali R Persad , Doris V Medina



摘要: The determination of right-of-way requirements during the project development process depends on many factors including proposed alignment, typical sections, access control, and accommodation for construction, drainage, clear zone, highway access maintenance, accessible pedestrian design, and environmental mitigation. Right-ofway, as a function of project development, is not isolated and independent of other functions. It will be highly advantageous to the project development team to have a method that can help incorporate and control, in a systematic and efficient way, the factors affecting the determination of right-of-way and other functional requirements. The Advance Planning Risk Analysis (APRA) was developed to meet exactly this need. Associated with a computer tool, the APRA is a method that, if used properly can: 1) help optimize the identification of project requirements during the project development process in all functions, including Planning and Programming, Preliminary Design, Environmental, ROW, Utilities, and Detailed Design; 2) help the project development team control and manage critical project issues during project development; 3) provide a platform for project participants to cooperate and coordinate project activities and responsibilities; 4) help reconcile participants’ difference through discussions; 5) be a means for training new personnel; and 6) be used to anticipate project performance after a certain period of using time. This document reports in detail the entire process of developing the APRA method and its computer tool and the complete explanation of the method, how to use it, and its potential benefits.
