Household Location Choices: The Case of Homebuyers and Apartment Dwellers in

作者: Michelle Bina , Kara M Kockelman



摘要: This paper explores the issue of residential location choice for apartment dwellers and recent homebuyers in the Austin, Texas area. An understanding of residential location choice is fundamental to behavioral models of land use and, ultimately, travel demand. Surveys of over 200 apartment dwellers and 900 recent homebuyers offer valuable data on movers and their reasons for moving, as well as their priorities in home type and location selection and tradeoffs from such decisions.Survey results show that apartment dwellers have different reasons for moving than homebuyers. The top reasons for moving for homebuyers are wanting to own a home and wanting a newer/bigger/better home; many apartment dwellers also reported wanting a newer/bigger/better home (the most frequently chosen response), but they were also much more likely to be moving for an easier commute, new job or job transfer, and planning to attend or graduate from college.
