Murray-Darling Basin Water Efficiency Program; Water savings opportunities summary report

作者: R Watson , S Fane , A Butler , F Berry



摘要: The ACT Government is investigating up to 15 gigalitres (GL) of water savings that would contribute to improved environmental outcomes in the Murray-Darling Basin. The ACT Government commissioned four specialist studies to investigate the viability of water savings across a range of measures including irrigation upgrades at parks and ovals; residential and non-residential demand management options; changes to the Water Sensitive Urban Design Code and stormwater harvesting. ISF has compared and consistently assessed the measures proposed by the separate consultants, and recommends that the ACT Government consider the implementation of 20 water savings measures.ISF estimate that with a smart metering program, 8.6 GL of savings per year can potentially be achieved by 2050 at a present value cost of $145 million, a net present value of $125 million and a benefit cost ratio of 1.8. Without smart metering, the program would deliver 7.3 GL of savings per year by 2050 with a present value cost of $55 million, a net present value of $44 million and a benefit cost ratio of 4.7. The program would represent an investment of $125 million (or $44 million without metering) over the next 4-years.
