作者: Joaquin Rodriguez , Lew-Fock-Chong Lew-Yan-Voon , Renato Martins , Olivier Morel
摘要: Polarization information of the light can provide rich cues for computer vision and scene understanding tasks, such as the type of material, pose, and shape of the objects. With the advent of new and cheap polarimetric sensors, this imaging modality is becoming accessible to a wider public for solving problems, such as pose estimation, 3D reconstruction, underwater navigation, and depth estimation. However, we observe several limitations regarding the usage of this sensorial modality, as well as a lack of standards and publicly available tools to analyze polarization images. Furthermore, although polarization camera manufacturers usually provide acquisition tools to interface with their cameras, they rarely include processing algorithms that make use of the polarization information. In this work, we review recent advances in applications that involve polarization imaging, including a comprehensive survey of recent …