Decade variations of precipitation event frequency, intensity and duration in the Northeast China

作者: Sun Fenghua , Yang Suying , Ren Guoyu



摘要: Against the background of global warming, study on climate extremes has become more important, especially the extreme precipitation events in Northeast China which is one of the most remarkable warming areas in China. Daily rainfall data of 93 weather stations in Northeast China from 1951 to 2002 are used to analyze the temporal and spatial variation of precipitation events, including rainstorm, heavy rain, light rain, extreme dry spell, extreme wetness spell etc. The spatial and temporal characteristics of precipitation events change are studied. The main conclusions are summarized as follows. The number of days both of the total rain events and the light rain decreases. The contribution of light rain to annual precipitation is obviously increasing, the contribution of mediummagnitude rain is slightly decreasing, and the contributions of heavy rain remains unchanged. The annual rain day has a significant …
