作者: SA Ahasan , EH Chowdhury , MAH Khan , R Parvin , SU Azam
摘要: Dhaka Zoo with 2000 animal heads of 184 species from significant genetic diversity and five million visitors ‘influx round the year is placing it a public health important spot. This study was conducted to investigate blastomycosis in animals at Dhaka Zoo to ascertain animal health, welfare and public health safety standard. One hundred and two necropsied tissue samples preserved in 10% neutral buffered formalin at necropsy from 36 animals of 25 different species were collected from Dhaka Zoo. Twenty five out of 36 study animals were suffering from granulomatous diseases. Among them three animals were found suffering from blastomycosis. Clinical history, nodular lesions from necropsy findings, granulomatous reactions with fungal spores on histopathology and spherical yeast cells with double contoured wall and broad base budding on special staining were used for the confirmation of blastomycosis in spotted deer (Cervus axis/Axis axis), nilgai (Boselaphustragocamelus) and horse (Equuscaballus). Present study provides evidence of existing blastomyosis and similar long standing zoonotic diseases in majority of rest of the animals with health risk that shades health safety standard at Dhaka Zoo.