Molekularna karakterizacija lebdećih čestica slobodne troposfere sa Opservatorija Pico planine

作者: Katja Džepina , Claudio Mazzoleni , Paulo Fialho , Swarup China , B Zhang



摘要: Long-range transported free tropospheric aerosol was sampled at the PMO (38 28’15’’N, 28 24’14’’W; 2225 m amsl) on Pico Island of the Azores in the North Atlantic. Filter-collected aerosol during summer 2012 was analysed for organic and elemental carbon, and inorganic ions. The average aerosol ambient concentration was 0.9 µg m-3. Organic aerosol contributed the majority of mass (57%), followed by sulphate (21%) and nitrate (17%). Filter-collected aerosol was positively correlated with on-line aerosol measurements of black carbon, light scattering and number concentration. Water-soluble organic compounds (WSOC) from 9/24 and 9/25 samples collected during a pollution event were analysed with ultrahigh-resolution FT-ICR MS. FLEXPART analysis showed the air masses were very aged (> 12 days).~ 4000 molecular formulas were assigned to each of the mass spectra between m/z 100-1000. The …
