Multistate model to estimate sex-specific dispersal rates and distances for a wetland-breeding amphibian population

作者: CL Davis , DL Muñoz , SM Amburgey , CR Dinsmore , EW Teitsworth



摘要: How animals move across space and time in heterogeneous landscapes has important implications for the conservation of imperiled and dispersal‐limited taxa, such as amphibians. Wetland‐breeding amphibians are thought to exhibit strong site fidelity, but there is growing evidence that many species are more vagile than previously assumed. Few studies have quantified breeding dispersal probabilities or distances while also accounting for observational uncertainty, which means that resultant estimates could be biased or confounded with sampling intensity and other demographic rates (e.g., site‐ and time‐specific detection and survival probabilities). Here, we analyze data from a 6‐year capture–mark–recapture study on adult spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) conducted at 12 wetlands in central Pennsylvania to estimate population dynamics and population structure at multiple scales. We used a …
