Estimating the Velocity Distribution in Narrow Combined Sewers using Entropy Theory

作者: Marjan Moazamnia , Sina Sadeghfam



摘要: Estimation of flow velocity distribution is considered to be one of the main issues in the open channels, sewers, and rivers. Occurrence of the maximum velocity phenomenon below free surface (Dip phenomenon), is cause of concern and complexity for estimation of the velocity distribution in open channel flows. In this paper, the velocity distribution in the narrow sewer combined channels was estimated using the entropy theory, and the impact of different cumulative distribution functions on the velocity distribution has been investigated. Accuracy evaluation of Marini and Chiu entropy functions in the estimation of the velocity distribution and parameters suggested that a new model with higher accuracy can be proposed in order to optimizethe velocity estimation in these types of channels. Also, the comparison between field data of former studies and the result of proposed model indicated that the proposed model is in accordance with field data in the different levels and depths of channel. The results also showed acceptable accuracy of the proposed model in the velocity distribution estimation (R2=0.86, relative error = 11%, MAPE = 7.84% and RMSE = 0.0758). Further, comparison of proposed model and Chiu velocity distribution model shows that the proposed model has better performance in spite of more simplicities than other existing models.
