How can we govern if we don’t see our feet? Speaking of the matter of sustainability transitions

作者: Kristof Van Assche , Martijn Duineveld , Monica Gruezmacher , Raoul Beunen , Vladislav Valentinov



摘要: Sustainability transitions bring together many different disciplines focussing on the interrelations between the social and the material. The burgeoning field of transition studies is becoming more inter-disciplinary, less normative, less modernist in nature, and more open to both discursive and material dynamics (eg Bosman et al., 2018; Moss et al., 2016). Social-ecological systems thinking, already sensitive to ecological relations and vulnerabilities in their governance thinking, is similarly opening up to other disciplines, and considering the social and discursive with more care and open minds (eg Partelow, 2018). In geography and anthropology, a turn to the body, to materiality and to affect preceded these developments, sometimes inspired by Deleuzian theory, sometimes simply through careful observation (eg Davidson et al., 2013). Policy studies and planning, meanwhile, have picked up on the need to contribute …
