作者: Raoul Beunen , Kristof Van Assche , Martijn Duineveld , Anneke Smit , Gert Verschraegen
摘要: Yo~(I 998: 7) described evolutionary governance as'a mode of governance which i reflected in strategies and institutions for collective action that can be characterized by the principles of adaptiveness, integration and anticipation'. I suggest below that the concept of resilience, as both a process and product of governance, resonates strongly with VoWs characteristic principles of evolutionary governance.Van Assche et al.(2014a: 103) define governance simply as' the coordination of collectively binding decisions for a community'. Van Assche et al.(2014b) develop VoWs model by suggesting that governance inherently requires the involvement of actors and institutions and a reliance on power and knowledge, manifest through discursivities. The various aspects of governance-whether human or non-human actors, institutional practices, organizational structures, discourses and so onchange and evolve. Further, Van Assche et al.(2012) claim that performativity is an essential feature of the discursive construction and evolution of social worlds. When we encounter and examine discursive practices of governance at any specific moment, we do so as a snapshot or temporarily'fixed'condition in a dynamic, evolutionary process. Processes of evolutionary change may be gradual or rapid, triggered by internal or external events, in response to the complexities and uncertainties which characterize our social, political, economic and environmental worlds.