Number of conveyor belts optimization regarding to its type and logistical parameters in mining industry; Optimalizacia poctu dopravnych pasov s ohladom na ich typ a logisticke parametre v tazobnom podniku

作者: Peter Bindzár , Dusan Malindzak



摘要: Material transportation by belt conveyers is widely used in many industrial branches including mining plants. Belt conveying development during the last year was oriented mainly on construction of belts. The consequence of this is the improvement of its manufacture qualities bringing down the costs for their exchange and maintenance.Despite the fact that there are some theoretical calculations based on a standards it is common in the industry that the belt is not properly selected or it is over-designed or number of its types is too large what can lead to increased costs for its storage. The paper describes the optimization of number of belt types in mining company SIDERIT, s. r. o. Nizna Slana by the method of modernization and unification of belts under practical skills and projecting based on theoretical calculations. (authors)
