作者: Julien Louys , Yahdi Zaim , Yan Rizal , Mika Puspaningrum , Agus Trihascaryo
摘要: Orangutan (Pongo spp.) fossils have been found throughout much of Pleistocene Southeast Asia. Today, Pongo is restricted to three living species on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. They are predominately frugivores, and during fruit masting events their diets can consist entirely of fruit. However, food procurement strategies between masting events differ between islands and thus species. Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii) are largely able to fall back on non-masting fruit species, such as figs, such that they can maintain higher quality diets compared to their Bornean counterparts (Pongo pygmaeus), who ingest more lower quality and tougher foods between masting events. However, diets of fossil orangutans remain largely unknown. We investigated the diets of Sumatran orangutans from the Pleistocene deposits of the Padang Highlands, western Sumatra, using dental microwear texture analysis. We tested …