Electrocardiographic Abnormalities Are Common in DCM Patients’ Family Members With Early Manifestations of DCM

作者: Chelsea S Harris , David Amar , Nicole E Howard , Daniel D Kinnamon , Jinwen Cao



摘要: Introduction: Imaging and 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) are recommended to screen individuals at risk of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Few studies have examined the yield of ECG testing in these individuals. We hypothesized that ECG abnormalities are more frequent in DCM patients’ family members with early imaging manifestations of DCM than in those without. Methods: The multisite DCM Precision Medicine Study collected contemporaneous imaging and ECG in 1226 First Degree Relatives (FDRs) of DCM patients aged ≥ 18 years between 06/2016 and 04/2021. Imaging results were used to classify participants into four phenotype groups: left ventricular systolic dysfunction alone (LVSD), left ventricular enlargement alone (LVE), DCM (both LVSD and LVE), or normal (neither LVE nor LVSD). ECG status was defined as normal, borderline, or abnormal. Analysis of the probability of a borderline or …
