作者: Raquel Vaquero-Cristobal , Ignacio Maritnez Gonzalez-Moro , Femando Alacid , Esperanza Ros
摘要: Older people' physical abilities have been evaluated with a lot of tests. However, it has not been studied the influence of laterality on these qualities. The aim of this study was to analyse flexibility, strength-endurance and balance differences based on laterality in a group of active women elderly. Sixty-seven women (mean age: 66.61 +/- 6.63 years) did chair-sit and reach, back scratch, arm curl and flamenco tests with both extremities. It was found significant differences (p<.001) in chair-sit and reach and back scratch tests. The values were higher with the non-dominant leg (dominant and non-dominant leg: -2.35 +/-.83 and -.15 +/-.83 cm, respectively) and the dominant arm, (dominant arm: -10.49 +/- 1.26 cm; non-dominant arm: 16.74 +/- 1.16 cm) respectively. It was not found significant differences in the arm curl (dominant and non-dominant arm: 23.25 +/-.53 and 23.71 +/-.51 repetitions, respectively) and flamenco …