In Vivo Three-dimensional Morphological Assessment of Adult Knee Menisci: A Computed Tomography-based Approach

作者: Maria G Chiarilli , Andrea Delli Pizzi , Piero Chiacchiaretta , Andrea Prattichizzo , Antonietta Cifaratti



摘要: Aim The present study aimed to examine meniscal morphology in an adult population in vivo through computed tomographic images, including research into morphological differences related to osteoarthritis, ageing and the meniscal location within the knee joint and a proposal for a supplementation of the current morphological classification. Materials and Methods Computed tomographic images of the knee for 118 patients were retrieved from the picture archiving and communication system of our Institute and included in this retrospective study. Each meniscus was subject to manual segmentation and converted into three-dimensional surfaces. The degree of osteoarthritis was determined for both the medial and lateral compartments of the knee. Statistical analysis was performed to search for any morphological difference related to osteoarthritis, ageing or the meniscal location within the knee joint. Furthermore …
