作者: Yunfeng Gao , Yue Liu , Hua Hu , YE Ge
摘要: Existing two-phase signal optimization models neglect the unyielding behavior of illegal permissive left-turners at intersections in many developing countries. At permitted left-turn phase warranted intersections, left-turn traffic usually needs to yield to the opposing through during permitted phasing; however, in certain circumstances such an explicit permissive left-turn yielding rule may be violated when aggressive left-turners compete with the opposing through vehicles to take the conflict point and pass through a two-phase signal-controlled intersection without yielding. Such driving behaviors, very commonly observed at urban intersections in many developing countries, have been demonstrated to have significant impact on the intersection operational performance, which has not been taken into consideration in the existing traffic signal design paradigms. This paper presents a cell-based signal optimization model …