作者: BDX Lascelles , SA Robertson , PM Taylor , J Hauptman
摘要: Little is known about the analgesic action of buprenorphine (BUP) in cats. Relative to man, the cat has a more alkaline oral pH, which may make this an effective route for administering BUP in this species. This study aimed to assess and compare the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sublingual (S‐L) and IV administration of BUP. Thermal threshold (TT) was measured and blood samples were collected following IV or S‐L administration (20 µg kg−1) of the injectable formulation. Six cats (five spayed females, one castrated male, 4.1–6.6 kg) were used. Each cat received both treatments in a randomized cross‐over study design with 1 month between experiments. Twenty‐four hours prior to each study, the lateral thorax of each of the cats was shaved, cephalic and jugular catheters placed, and oral pH measured. On the day of the study, TT was measured using a ‘thorax‐mounted’ thermal threshold …