摘要: Nowadays autologous fibroblast application for skin repair presents an important clinical interest. In most cases, in vitro skin cell culture is mandatory. However, cell expansion using xenogeneic or allogenic culture media presents some disadvantages, such as the risk of infection transmission or slow cell expansion. In this study, we investigated an autologous culture system to expand human skin fibroblast cells in vitro with the patient’s own platelet-rich-plasma (PRP). Human dermal fibroblasts were isolated from patients undergoing abdominoplasty and blood was collected to prepare non-activated PRP using the CuteCellTM PRP medical device. Cultures were followed up to 7 days using a media supplemented with either fetal bovine serum (FBS) or PRP.Fibroblasts cultured in medium supplemented with PRP showed dose-dependently significantly higher proliferation rates (up to 7.7 times with 20% of PRP) and initiated a faster migration in the in vitro wound healing assay compared to FBS, while chromosomal stability was maintained. At high concentrations, PRP changed fibroblast morphology, inducing cytoskeleton rearrangement and an increase of alpha-SMA and vimentin expression. Our findings show that autologous PRP is an efficient and cost-effective supplement for fibroblast culture and should be considered as a safe alternative to xenogeneic/allogenic blood derivatives for in vitro cell expansion.