作者: Andrew C Eloka-Eboka , Freddie Inambao , Opeyeolu T Laseinde
摘要: Comparative investigation and assessment of thermal and rheological properties of biodiesel fuels from micro algae was carried out with the aim of assessing micro-algal technology as a viable biodiesel production option. Chlorella vulgaris and Synedesmus spp were collected, cultured and cultivated in the open pond and in photobioreactor differently and inoculated with Agar broth media for twenty-three and sixteen days respectively for biomass production/accumulation. Thermal parameters and rheological properties were studied. Viscosity is one of the most critical feature of a fuel or biofuel. It plays a dominant role in fuel spray, fuel-air mixture formation and the combustion process. Fuels are sprayed into compressed air and atomized into small droplets near the nozzle exit in any diesel engine. In the combustion chamber, fuel forms cone-shaped spray at the nozzle exits which impacts the viscosity and also affects the atomization quality, penetration and size of fuel droplets. Density is an important fuel property that influences the amount of fuel injected into the engine cylinder. Changes in fuel density influences engine output power due to different mass of the fuel being injected, and this directly affects engine performance characteristics and emissions. TGA conducted reveals stability of algal oil and biodiesel after thermal treatment. With studies of viscosity and shear stress at varying speeds and temperature being evaluated, the interaction of viscosity at different torque presented in this study decreases from 20rpm to 60rpm but increases in shear stress at temperatures of 40o and 60o. Across temperature was a general initial decrease and …