作者: VMD Pedrosa , MB da Silva , R de Oliveira , RF Carvalho , AB Cecílio Filho
摘要: In seed potatoes, low irradiance blue LED light (400-500 nm) has been reported to inhibit sprout growth. Recently, similar effect of low irradiance red (660 nm) and high irradiance far-red LED (735 nm) lights have been reported. However, there is no information regarding the inhibitory effect of LED lights on sprout development in table potato tubers. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of blue, red, and far-red LED lights on sprout development and growth on potatoes with advanced physiological age. Potato tubers of 'Asterix' cultivar were harvested at advanced physiological age and cured at 15°C, 95% RH for 15 days. After that, the tubers were submitted to the following treatments: dark (negative control), 20 mg L-1, CIPC (positive control), blue LED light (0.1 µmol m-2 s-1), red LED light (1.0 µmol m-2 s-1), and far-red LED light (1.0 µmol m-2 s-1). The storage was carried out in a …