作者: Javier Garcia , Yaser Rimawi , Maria Isabel Sánchez , Antonio Amescua
摘要: The actual situation of small software organizations in software process definition and improvement is chaotic. Actually, deploying a software process improvement program within such organizations is very difficult, due to its high cost and small ROI percentage that could be obtained. RAMALA is a knowledge base, supported by a software tool called also RAMALA, that contains a software process framework, which is mainly based on the PMBOK process framework [9], detailed by software engineering experts using the best practices of the main software reference models like CMMI [11] and ISO 15504 [3], and enriched with process assets of the most outstanding software development methodologies. RAMALA is a platform where best practices of any software engineering process are recollected in a process definition form. Small software organizations can define, assess and improve their software …