作者: Catrinel Turcanu , Tanja Perko , Jantine Schröder
摘要: The fourth edition of the SCK• CEN Barometer took place in May-June 2011. It continued the historical follow-up of topics such as risk perception and confidence in authorities, and addressed a number of issues in detail, among which: attitude towards nuclear technologies, confidence in the management of nuclear technologies, stakeholder participation, the accident at Fukushima and the management of high level radioactive waste.The field work was carried out between 25/05/2011 and 24/06/2011 by a market research company (ASK) with professional interviewers. The method employed was CAPI (" Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing"), the answers being directly recoded and stored on a computer hard disk. The population sample consisted of 1020 respondents and it is representative for the Belgium adult population (18+) with respect to gender, age, language (FR or NL), province, habitat and social class.