The “NOODPLAN” early phase nuclear emergency models: an evaluation

作者: Johan Camps , Catrinel Turcanu , Damien Braekers , Benny Carlé , Geert Olyslaegers



摘要: Over the past decades SCK• CEN has developed a set of models–called the NOODPLAN models–for consequence analysis of atmospheric releases during the early phase of a nuclear emergency. All these models use segmented bi-Gaussian plume dispersion algorithms based on the Bultynck-Malet scheme and are limited to a local scale (50 km from the release point).The different NOODPLAN models are largely customised to the needs of several external users. Customisation includes eg source term determination from stack monitoring, connection to on-site meteorological masts, graphic display of countermeasure areas corresponding to intervention guidelines, special modules with standard accident scenarios and specific calculations at the location of detector points (eg corresponding to monitoring network). These models have been primarily designed for the Belgian nuclear power plants, the results being used by the radiological evaluation cell of the Federal Crisis Centre, within the framework of the Belgian nuclear and radiological emergency plan. Additional users include research reactors and other nuclear facilities.
