Customization of RODOS 5.0 System for assessment of a CANDU-NPP Cernavoda nuclear accident

作者: Gh Mateescu , D Galeriu , D Slavnicu , D Vamanu , T Craciunescu



摘要: The RODOS is designed to be run for multi-user operation at European scale in national nuclear emergency centres (responsible for off-site nuclear emergency management). Its development involves different stages of increasing complexity each of them called a prototype (PRTY) version which have to be customized by each participating country and validated in adequate accident scenarios. The present work underlines the results obtained by Romanian RODOS Team at IFIN-HH with customization and validation of the most recent RODOS version (PRTY 5.0) taking into account the accident scenario for CANDU and other specific Romanian conditions (for tritium issue, a more detailed geographical data base, associated costs of countermeasures, etc). (authors)
