Development of prototypes of advanced systems for nuclear emergency management (NOTEPAD and RODOS)

作者: G Mateescu , D Galeriu , D Vamanu , D Slavnicu , D Craciunescu



摘要: The project RODOS (Realtime Online Decision Support system for off-site nuclear emergency management in Europe) has been carried out under the auspices of EC's 'Nuclear Fission Safety Programme'. Romania, by IFIN-HH (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering), is a participant in this project, the research and development activities for the RODOS project being performed in the V-th Framework of EC. IFIN-HH has developed also its own system, NOTEPAD, complying, as aim and method, with RODOS, both DSS systems being able to offer a quick response to Romanian decision makers by assessing the consequences and countermeasures in case of a nuclear accident. The main results achieved during 2001 are: a) Testing of the RODOS-FDMH module, developed at IFIN-HH, using the geographical database for Cernavoda, by simulating a severe CANDU accident scenario with emission of tritium in the form of HTO. Applications for HTO and OBT activity distribution in cow's milk are presented. b) Development of source codes included in the NOTEPAD software package: 1. 'SPILLS TO SURFACE WATERS'; 2. 'SPILLS TO GROUND WATERS'. For 'SPILLS TO GROUND WATERS' code, a simulated exercise for an illustrative scenario has been made. A tank-car transporting a liquid radioactive solution runs off the rails and overturns with perforation of the tank in the area of Basel-East rail station. The code input-interface for this situation is presented. Intercomparison exercises between RODOS and NOTEPAD were made, for the total effective dose equivalent and thyroid committed dose equivalent, resulting in …
