DPSIR Framework

作者: Pekka Rossi , Alex Shveykovskiy , Elena Fedorova , Sari Piippo , Gulnara Akhmetova



摘要: The SUPER project has aimed at creating conditions for improving environmental resilience of the selected pilot areas in Russian Federation and Finland. The pilot territories are protected areas with intensive recreational load. The project has focused on unique natural and cultural heritage sites found in the boreal landscape of the Republic of Karelia and Finland: the Kizhi State Open-Air Museum, Vodlozersky National Park, North Karelia Biosphere Reserve (NKBR) and Rokua Geopark.National Parks (NPs) have become increasingly popular environments for visitors seeking outdoor relaxation and recreation in recent years, this trend is visible in both Finland and Russia. Tourism in protected areas like NPs is unique in its sensitivity to human-impacts and climate-change driven pressures. Statistical analysis shows that tourist inflow is positively correlated with the waste generation problem. Furthermore, ecosystems’ sustainability is affected by the activities of local villagers and enterprises.
