作者: N Baecker , P Frings-Meuthen , F May , D Felsenberg , D Belavy
摘要: electronic library - Effects of resistive exercise and resistive exercise in combination with vibration training on markers of bone turnover. elib DLR-Header DLR-Logo -> http://www.dlr.de DLR Portal Home | Impressum | Datenschutz | Kontakt | English Schriftgröße: [-] Text [+] Erweiterte Suche Versenden Drucken Effects of resistive exercise and resistive exercise in combination with vibration training on markers of bone turnover. Baecker, N. und Frings-Meuthen, P. und May , F. und Felsenberg, D. und Belavy , D (2009) Effects of resistive exercise and resistive exercise in combination with vibration training on markers of bone turnover. In: 30th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting. 30th Annual Gravitational Physiology Meeting, 2009-05-24 - 2009-05-29, Xian, China. (nicht veröffentlicht) Dieses Archiv kann nicht den Volltext zur Verfügung stellen. elib-URL des Eintrags: https://elib.dlr.de/60187/ …