Striatal iron content is linked to reduced fronto-striatal brain function

作者: Karen M Rodrigue , Ana M Daugherty , Chris M Foster , Kristen M Kennedy



摘要: Non-heme iron accumulation contributes to age-related decline in brain structure and cognition via a cascade of oxidative stress and inflammation, although its effect on brain function is largely unexplored. Thus, we examine the impact of striatal iron on dynamic range of BOLD modulation to working memory load. N= 166 healthy adults (age 20-94) underwent cognitive testing and an imaging session including n-back (0-, 2-, 3-, and 4-back fMRI), R2*-weighted imaging, and pcASL to measure cerebral blood flow. A statistical model was constructed to predict voxelwise BOLD modulation by age, striatal iron content and an age× iron interaction, controlling for cerebral blood flow, sex, and task response time. A significant interaction between age and striatal iron content on BOLD modulation was found selectively in the putamen, caudate, and inferior frontal gyrus. Greater iron was associated with reduced modulation to difficulty, particularly in middle-aged and younger adults with greater iron content. Further, iron-related decreases in modulation were associated with poorer executive function in an agedependent manner. These results suggest that iron may contribute to differences in functional brain activation prior to older adulthood, highlighting the potential role of iron as an early factor contributing to trajectories of functional brain aging.
