Fatty acid-induced Ca (2+)-dependent uncoupling and activation of external pathway of NADH oxidation are coupled to cyclosporin A-sensitive mitochondrial permeability transition.

作者: AA Starkov , OV Markova , EN Mokhova , E Arrigoni-Martelli , VA Bobyleva



摘要: Permeabilization of inner mitochondrial membrane by palmitic acid in the presence of Ca2+(cyclosporin A-sensitive stimulation of respiration, decrease of delta psi and high amplitude swelling) is accompanied by activation of the external pathway of NADH oxidation in liver mitochondria. The" pore"-sealing agents (cyclosporin A, Mg2+ with ADP, and L-carnitine with ATP) are equally effective in preventing the induction of external pathway of NADH oxidation by Ca2+ with palmitate. However, activities of these agents are different in respect to recoupling of permeabilized mitochondria. Participation of cyclosporin A-sensitive" pore" in the fatty acid-and Ca (2+)-dependent induction of external pathway of NADH oxidation and in Ca (2+)-dependent uncoupling is discussed.
